C4 is founded on the concept that gaining clarity drives change for cross-functional teams & individual leaders.


CLARITY. Consensus. COllaboration. Change.

Rooted in the process principles developed and refined by business planner and strategist, Tom Paterson, each customized engagement involves a series of six basic questions for your organization:

  • What is your story, past & present?

  • How do you use that information to define a shared vision of the future?

  • What do we need to focus on today to ensure this shared vision of tomorrow?

  • What tools are needed to equip our people for success?

  • How are we doing on the journey?

  • What needs to change to stay relevant in a dynamic world?



Strategy...planning for tomorrow, today.

Operations...managing today, today.

Finance...stewarding today's resources to ensure a tomorrow.

The Paterson StratOp process weaves these three components into a cross-functional system of leadership & decision-making.

Unlike traditional strategic planning events, C4 employs StratOp, used around the world by organizations like Otterbox, Compassion International, & numerous others both large and small, to focus on:

  • Gaining cross-functional perspectives of your whole organization that account for strategic, operational, & financial concerns;

  • Prioritizing objectives and assignments that enable your vision to become reality; &

  • Equipping your team with a system for success versus an occasional exercise.

Is your team ready for alignment, momentum, & growth?

Let's talk!